The ENDOMIX Project

Our work plan comprises 10 well-coordinated work packages, forming the core of our interdisciplinary approach to understanding EDCs' impact on human health

Work Package 1

WP lead: Charline Warembourg, INSERM

WP Co-lead: Liesbeth Duijts, EMC

Life course studies to examine the immune-mediated effects of EDC mixtures on health

Work Package 1 sets out to assess the health effects associated with exposure to EDC mixtures across different stages of human life. Through rigorous evaluation, WP1 aims to uncover the intricate relationship between EDC mixtures and long-term disease development. Central to this investigation is the examination of immunological markers, providing valuable insights into the underlying mechanisms driving these associations. By focusing on a diverse range of life stages, WP1 endeavours to shed light on the varying susceptibilities and impacts of EDC mixtures on human health.

Work Package 2

WP lead: Beate Escher, UFZ

Identifying complex chemical mixtures of concern for endocrine disruption and immunomodulation

Work Package 2 is dedicated to the identification of chemical mixtures of concerns for endocrine disruption and immunotoxicity-related adverse outcomes. Employing a multifaceted approach, WP2 utilizes cutting-edge in silico, in vitro, and alternative toxicity tools to comprehensively assess the potential effects of these chemical mixtures.

Work Package 3

WP lead: Anne Schumacher, UFZ

Assays to study the impact and toxicity of mixtures of concern on immune cell populations

Work Package 3 focuses on analysing the immunotoxic and immunomodulatory potential of selected EDCs and mixtures. Through the utilization of cellular assays, WP3 investigates the impact of these substances on various aspects of immune cell biology, including population dynamics, functionality, differentiation, maturation, and plasticity.

Work Package 4

WP lead: Yvonne Kohl, Fraunhofer

Impact of EDC and EDC mixtures on physiological barriers and target organs – through the lens of immunotoxicity

Work Package 4 is dedicated to assessing the impact of EDCs and mixtures on physiological barriers, target organs, and immune cell-organ interactions. Employing human-relevant in vitro and alternative models, WP4 investigates how EDC exposure influences the integrity and function of physiological barriers.

Work Package 5

WP lead: Janine Felix, EMC

Biological pathways involved in immune-related effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on human health

Work Package 5 delves into the intricate relationship between immune-mediated effects of EDCs and human health outcomes. Through comprehensive analysis, WP5 investigates the associations of EDC exposure with inflammatory immune markers, shedding light on the underlying biological pathways involved.

Work Package 6

WP lead: Roel Vermeulen, UU

Triangulation of experimental and epidemiological evidence and validation of relevant mixtures in transgenerational models

Work Package 6 serves as a crucial nexus for deriving causal associations between EDC exposure and health outcomes. Drawing upon the comprehensive findings from WP3, WP4, and WP5, WP6 synthesizes information to establish causal inference and provide integrated evidence for informing risk assessment policies and approaches. By elucidating the pathways linking EDC exposure to adverse health outcomes, WP6 facilitates the translation of research findings into actionable insights for policymakers, regulatory bodies, and public health practitioners.

Work Package 7

WP lead: Katharina Krischak, EIBIR

Dissemination, science-to-policy translation, and exploitation

Work Package 7 is tasked with coordinating the dissemination activities of the ENDOMIX project to maximize visibility and engage a broad range of stakeholders. Through strategic planning and implementation, WP7 ensures that the project’s findings and outcomes reach relevant audiences, including policymakers, regulatory bodies, scientific communities, and the general public. Additionally, WP7 establishes a framework for identifying and capitalizing on exploitation opportunities, facilitating the uptake and utilization of project results. Moreover, WP7 plays a vital role in managing intellectual property (IP) to safeguard the project’s innovations and support their effective exploitation.

Work Package 8

WP lead: Ana Zenclussen, UFZ

Project coordination and management

Work Package 8 is dedicated to ensuring the comprehensive management of the ENDOMIX project across legal, contractual, administrative, financial, and ethical domains. With a focus on effective governance and decision-making mechanisms, WP8 oversees project coordination, facilitating seamless communication and collaboration among project partners. Furthermore, WP8 is responsible for reporting to the European Commission (EC), ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and guidelines.

Work Package 9

WP lead: Ana Zenclussen, UFZ

Clustering Activities

Work Package 9 coordinates, organises and executes the activities of ENDOMIX within the ENKORE cluster, establishing a strong foundation for the collaborative efforts within the cluster and ensuring efficient coordination and implementation of the joint activities across the various projects involved.

Work Package 10

WP lead: Ana Zenclussen, UFZ

Ethics Requirements

Work Package 10 sets out the necessary ethics requirements for the project and ensures the compliance of ENDOMIX with all relevant ethics rules and regulations.

Our research endeavors promise to unlock new dimensions of understanding EDCs' health effects, paving the way for a profound shift in knowledge, empowering scientists, policymakers, and the public alike.